
Website Maintenance &
Support Plans

Offering customers peace of mind that your website is well-cared for and maintained by a trusted digital partner

Keep your website up to date and protected with our comprehensive website care plans

You have an amazing website — now what? Websites are no longer something you can create once and forget about — they need ongoing updates and care. 

Protect your investment with our website maintenance plans, providing you with peace of mind and freeing you from one more concern in your business. Your online presence is important to the success of your business, and we possess the tools and knowledge to actively support your business growth.

By investing in one of our website care plans, we’ll handle the details to keep everything running smoothly and make sure that your website performs at its best. 

Our website maintenance & security plans

We don’t just design websites. We also take care of their upkeep with our comprehensive maintenance and security plans. All our plans will ensure your site’s speed, reliability, and security at all times.

Explore our website care plans below:


  • Website Hosting
  • 1-Hour Content Updates Per Month**
  • Peace of Mind Security
  • Backups
  • Software Updates / Database Optimization
  • Includes Premium Plug-ins owned by Zen Monkey Marketing***
  • Up to Date Legal Pages
  • Quarterly Website Review

$197/Month or $1970/Year


  • Website Hosting
  • 1-Hour Content Updates Per Month**
  • Peace of Mind Security
  • Backups
  • Software Updates / Database Optimization
  • Includes Premium Plug-ins owned by Zen Monkey Marketing***

$97/Month or $970/Year

**Support time (Content Updates) does not roll over into the next month. It includes updating text or photos on existing pages or adding blog articles with photos. Does not include creating new web pages or new functionality or fixing Google search console errors.

***The Premium Plug-ins owned and maintained by Zen Monkey Marketing [as of July 2023, this list includes WP Rocket, Divi’s Elegant Theme Builder, SEO Press, Fluent Forms, Divi Supreme Pro, and other WordPress plugins]. This is hundreds of dollars in savings every year for our clients that use these plugins. Plus, we work directly with the software support teams, on your behalf, if any issues arise.

NOTE: If you are a current client, and don’t see your plan, you are on a Legacy Plan. Reach out to me, if you wish to upgrade to any of these plans.

What our clients have to say about our services

“Jean helped me realize that it wasn’t the marketing ads that were the problem, it was the back of the house information that was missing the target. There was a lot of work that needed to be done, especially with my website. With her help, we were able to narrow down our target market and direct our marketing efforts to our customers. It’s a relief to have that focus now and it’s easier to talk about our business.”

Jill @ Make It Pop Shoppe

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t need many updates to my website, so why do I need a maintenance plan?

While content updates are included in our care plans, our focus is more around security and performance to keep your website functioning as it should.

Are there any setup fees?

If we build your website, there is no setup fee for maintenance plans, as long as you sign up for the plan within a 90 day period from the launch of your site!

If, after 90 days, you’d like to join our maintenance plan at any level, there is a $250 set up fee. This fee is required to catch up on all maintenance missed during that 90 days; we need to update all tools, clean up the database, install maintenance tools and backup the site among other tasks.

If we’re onboarding a website we did not design, there is a $500 setup fee as we need to do a lot of work up front to update the site, learn the tools and get it ready to be properly maintained. This fee also applies if the site hasn’t been maintained for over two years or more, even if we built it.

Can I still be on your plan, if I need to stay with my webhost?

Yes, but it all depends on your host, and what software you’ve used for the site. We will offer our care packages without web hosting, as long as the hosting company or custom server meets our requirements for properly maintaining and optimizing the site. To request a consultation, please fill out the Website Care & Maintenance Contact Form.

What happens if I pass on your plan?

Our maintenance plan is not mandatory for clients but is highly recommended because of the importance of security, optimization, updates, backups, support, etc.

That said, if you choose to forego our care plan, you’re welcome to do so at your discretion. You will, in that case, assume complete responsibility for the website updates, security, backups and other services laid out in this plan by reviewing our LIABILITY CLAUSE that releases us from any involvement if and when the website is breached, hacked or performs slowly because the lack of proper optimization.

Here are the top reasons I recommend you make sure your website is maintained:

  • The site will not be optimized which leads to poor performance, slow loading times and a gradual loss of Google SEO rankings.
  • The site’s tools, plugins, themes and Wordpress itself will quickly go out of date which is the #1 leading cause of website hacks. It’s incredibly important to keep ALL your website tools and plugins up-to-date.
  • You’ll have no backups or restore points so if the site get hacked or breached, you could lose all your content, pages and Google ranking.
  • You won’t get a monthly report overviewing your site traffic, page views, etc.
  • Most importantly, you won’t have us as your trusted webmaster to assist you with quick updates, tweaks, website issues, etc. Often you’ll have to try getting a hold of your hosting company for any assistance.

Can I join the plan if I originally pass?

Absolutely! If you decide to come back to us after having initially passed on the plan due to the work that’s involved in order to properly maintain the site, we’ll welcome you to the plan with open arms and make sure your site is protected and cared for. See the setup fees question above for additional information about onboarding a site to a maintenance plan after 90 days.

What if I pass on the plan and my site gets hacked?

In this case, you’re welcome to handle it on your own by reaching out to our preferred malware and blacklist removal specialists (Sucuri) or if you’d like to join our plan and have us take care of getting the hack cleaned, we have a $1,299 site cleaning/set up fee.

Depending on the type of hack/breach and how long the site has been compromised, SEO rankings and blacklisting issues may take weeks or even months to resolve. In some cases, additional work (for additional fees) will be required to recover from these issues.

Important note: We do not fix website hacks unless the site is subsequently added to one of our maintenance plans.

What happens if my website goes down, is hacked, breaks, etc.?

Our website care plans are preventative care, so we do our best to prevent anything from happening. In the extremely unlikely event that a website is breached or hacked in any way while on our plan, we will work with your web hosting company on your behalf (if you are not hosting with us). We do not make guarantees that your website will not be hacked, but we will do everything within our power to prevent it, as well as assist in the restoration and cleanup of the website with one of our backups.

What if I require more time than the monthly support (content updates) allows?

We’ll always try to get your updates done within the allotted time to save you some extra cost, but if you have a decent amount of updates that will require more hours, we’ll give you an estimate of time and do that at our hourly rate which is reduced for you as a special, monthly care client!

Our currently hourly rate is $95 for clients on one of our maintenance plans and $125 for those who are not.

How fast do you get to the site updates?

Critical updates are run daily. Otherwise, we run updates twice per week, depending on the update. At times, we wait, especially if it is a big update (i.e. new version of WordPress or your Theme), to make sure that they have ironed out all the bugs before applying it to your site. As a monthly client, you always get top priority compared to clients who aren’t on the plan.

Do you take on sites that you didn't build?

We will take on websites we didn’t build as long as they use the tools we’re familiar and comfortable (or can learn quickly) with. Additionally, the site’s hosting must be one that meets our requirements.

Do you offer price breaks for multiple sites?

If you have more than one website and you are on the Standard Care Plan or higher, you can add an additional website to your Website Care Plan for $79/month and share your plan’s support time between your sites. This option is not available on Basic or Legacy care plans.

Does my monthly content update time roll over?

Unfortunately, no. The retainer of hourly updates is covered for that month and does not roll over or add up for later use.

What's included in the monthly content update time?

Your monthly time covers any updates, additions or add-ons to your website content. For example, changing hours, company information, staff or team members, adding new photos, updating services pages, etc.

While we do our best to get updates done within your allotted time, if more time is required, we can do so at our hourly rate, which, as a maintenance plan subscriber, is discounted!

Note: The allotted monthly time is for work or updates on the existing website and cannot be used for other projects or a step-by-step website revamp. We are happy to do additional work on your website either via our discounted hourly rate or via a discounted and separate fixed project!

I don't need any Support Time, do you have any other options?

If you want the assurance that your website stays updated, secure, backed up, loading quickly and with the proper software licenses, but don’t need any support time or webhosting, we have a Maintenance Only plan available that is $79/month.


Our plans come with a no-risk, no-questions-asked guarantee. In the unlikely event that you want to pull your site off the plan, you only pay for the month or year you’ve paid for and you’ll be provided with all site files and logins.

Do you need help choosing a care plan that works

for you and your website?

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